City & Guilds Professional Recognition Awards Pilot

City & Guilds Professional Recognition Awards

The Livery Companies Skills Council (where I represent the Wax Chandlers) are delighted to report the successful completion of the City & Guilds Professional Recognition Awards Pilot. Funded by generous Livery grants and the Livery Companies Skills Council, seven Companies (Carpenters, Constructors, Masons, Plumbers, Wax Chandlers, Wheelwrights & World Traders) provided mentors for 10 candidates.

The Lord Mayor Michael Mainelli presented PRA certificates to nine candidates at an awards ceremony at Mansion House on March 11th. In his speech he celebrated the success of the Pilot and endorsed the rollout across the Livery.

The plan is to run two five-month programmes of 10-15 candidates each year, the next starting in Summer 2024.

Although the pilot was fully funded at no cost to candidates, it is not intended that further grant support is sought from the Livery; the scheme must be self-funded.  The pilot necessarily included significant set-up and other one-off costs.   With these costs stripped out and by incorporating the key recommendations above, the cost per candidate will be £850, and this will be covered by the individual candidates thus demonstrating their commitment and in recognition of the award benefits.  Some Livery Companies or employers may wish to financially sponsor individual candidates.

The role of the Livery Companies will be to promote the PRA through their membership and links with industry, help identify candidates and critically to provide a mentor.

Margaret Ginman

Court Assistant